Bounties List

This page lists all issues of the PLDN Bounty Program on which a bounty has been placed.

  • As an organization, you can mail us to add new bounties on LDWizard-related GitHub issues.
  • As a developer, you can mail us to discuss with us if and how you can solve a bounty-issue.

Learn more about the required steps in the bounty procedures for all roles involved in the PLDN Bounty Program on the Bounty Procedures page.

Open bounties[bewerken]

This section contains all open bounties that have been placed by organizations.

Repository LDWizard
Issue Replace RATT with RocketRML #54
Created September 7, 2022
Sponsors PLDN
Bounty € 1000

Closed bounties[bewerken]

No closed bounties yet at this moment (we have just started with the bounty program).