A full version of the dutch BAG is available as Linked Data on the Almere server. The BAG is the dutch registry for Buildings and adresses (Basisregistratie adressen en gebouwen).

the Bag described below is available at the Almere Sparql Endpoint

Below some additional information about the BAG dataset and some example queries.

These are the main classes available within the BAG.

Class Description Class IRI
Street or Square http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#OpenbareRuimte
Reference to the official document describing the change http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Brondocument
Address of a boat http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Ligplaats
Address of a caravan http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Standplaats
Entity where people live http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Verblijfsobject
Building containing one or more Verblijfsobject http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Pand
Unique reference to a specific address http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Nummeraanduiding
City http://bag.kadaster.nl/def#Woonplaats

Some Example Queries:[bewerken]

To see 100 triples only containing BAG data (filtering for the Named Graphs of the BAG)

select * where
{graph ?g {
?s ?p ?o .
filter regex(str(?g),"http://bag.kadaster.nl/")

Integrity query, relating most of the BAG entities:

select distinct *
?verblijfsobject bagdef:onderdeelVan/bagdef:bouwjaar ?bouwjaar;
bagdef:onderdeelVan/ogcgs:hasGeometry/ogcgs:asWKT ?geo;
bagdef:hoofdadres/bagdef:gerelateerdeOpenbareRuimte/bagdef:woonplaatsOpenbareRuimte/bagdef:woonplaatsnaam ?woonplaatsnaam .
filter (xsd:integer(?bouwjaar) < 1940)
LIMIT 1000

To retrieve geo Polygones, describing the subjects do:

select * where
{graph ?g {
?s <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#hasGeometry>/<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT> ?o .
filter regex(str(?g),"http://bag.kadaster.nl/")

(?s <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#hasGeometry>/<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT> ?o . is shorthand for:
?s <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#hasGeometry> ?o .
?o <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT> ?o2 .)

To just see the overview of triples (classes) describing the BAG do:

select * where
{graph <http://bag.kadaster.nl/> {
?s ?p ?o .
} }

For more information on GeoSparql, for doing GeoSpatial queries look at:
Virtuoso GeoSpatial
Presentation with the BAG Ontology which describes all classes
Look here for the knowledge base about all data entities within the BAG (dutch)
Or if you want to know more about what the BAG is all about (dutch)