Rules in English for playing Play-a-LOD Animals

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The goal of the game[bewerken]

The aim of the Play-a-LOD Animals is to become acquainted with the principles of Linked Data, by creating triples consisting of a Subject - Predicate - Object. The person who collects the most points before the end of the game is the winner. The game can be played by 2 to 4 players, or more by forming teams (see game variants). English translation for the cards can be found here.

Play-a-LOD Graph.png

Play-a-LOD Animals consists of 112 cards, of which 72 concepts that can act as subject (S) or object (O) (eg “pal: Elephant”) and 40 predicate cards (P) that make the relationship between subjects and objects (e.g., "pal: has"). The number on the corner of the cards indicates the number of points that can be achieved with this card. The QR code leads to the URI of the relevant concept (eg where the so-called digital twin can be found with more information and links to other concepts.

The course of the game[bewerken]

  1. The cards are all placed face down on the table, shaken, - this is the pot. Each player must take 9 cards and place them on the table or take them in their hand.
  2. The person whose first name appears first in the phrase "Linked Open Data" is allowed to start. Look at the initial letter, and if this does not give a definitive answer, then use the second letter etc. This player places a triple on the table and takes 3 new cards.
  3. Each subsequent player places one or more cards to form triples. The players apply the following rules when laying them out:
    1. The number of cards that a player places are a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 9.
    2. The new triple(s) must match the triples on the table. You can add to several places at the same time.
    3. A triple must be laid in one line. Triples are formed horizontally or vertically, not diagonally.
    4. Only complete triples of subject-predicate-object may be formed.
    5. Most of relationships have a direction, e.g., "pal: Elephant pal: biggerThan pal: Eagle". The direction in which you put the cards does not have to correspond to this, you can lay this triple from right to left. You only need to sya how the triple is read.
    6. The triples must be semantically correct. This means that the players need to be agree among themselves that the meaning of the triples is correct. In the event of doubt or disagreement, additional information can be obtained by scanning the QR code.
  4. At the end of the turn, the player takes as many cards as needed until the player has 9 cards again. If a player cannot create a triple with the cards at hand, then the player can trade 1 or more cards with the pot, but players turn ends . The player may also pass the turn without exchanging.
  5. At the end of each turn, one of the players records the score. All points on the cards of the newly formed triples are counted. Previously laid points that are part of the new triple also count. If a cadr belongs to two new triples, it is counted twice .
  6. The game ends when all the cards in the pot are used up, or there are no more possibilities to put cards. The game can also end when a pre-agreed time is over.

Score card[bewerken]

You can use the following score cards to register the scores of a Play-a-LOD game :